Join us! Our worship services are at 9:00am and 11:00am in our sanctuary. Full children's programming is available during the 9:00am service (programming during the 11:00am service is on hold for the summer).

Click here for important parking and childcare information.

Community Groups

Every Thursday

7:00pm – 8:00pm

Category: Community Groups

Experience Community. Encounter God. Engage our City.

Experience Community | Human beings were designed to live together in community. We were made to laugh, eat, learn, struggle, and grow together. Our community groups seek to do all those things as families, because through Jesus we are made brothers and sisters. We enjoy meals together, seek to express the love of God to each other, and encourage one another in faith and good works. And, like the most genuine and loving families, we seek to live with open doors and open tables, welcoming anyone to join us and experience the same grace we have been offered.

Encounter God | Human beings were designed to live in relationship with God. We were made to enjoy, love, praise, and glorify Him, and in so doing to find the sweetest satisfaction for our souls. Sin marred this, bringing brokenness and seperation from God. Yet God has not left us alone. Through Jesus, we can be reconciled, restored, redeemed, and renewed. And it is through God's word and by God's Spirit that we explore this amazing reality and encounter this awesome God. Join us as we study, discuss, and pray about Scripture each week.

Engage our City | Human beings were designed to work and serve together as a society. We were made to sweat, labor, serve, and give to one another, seeking the greater wellfare of others. There are substantial needs in our city. Join us as we seek to care for the needs of others in the name of Jesus.

For times, locations, and details of each community group click below.

Due to COVID-19, times and locations may vary. Contact group leaders for information about their virtua or in-person l meetings (they generally take place the same night their groups would normally meet).






Spring Hill


Eighth Ave



Forest Ridge



West Gate

More in Community Groups

June 11, 2024 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Community Groups
June 12, 2024 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Community Groups